Monday, September 28, 2009

Do Flowers Ever Die?

I'll be honest with you....I do not like it when flowers die :( Seeing dead flowers makes me feel sad. I wish they could live forever in my garden....maybe they do in a sense however. When flowers are dying, their seeds fall to the earth and in the case of perennials....they are resurrected the following spring! Are we not likened to flowers in that we too die, however our souls (seeds) are resurrected and live eternally with our Lord and Savior....

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Dandelions are lovely....they represent little hands giving a dandelion bouquet as an act of love to mommys everywhere. They are golden and look like the sun. They are flowers to some but to most they are weeds and a nuisance.
It is kind of like this with our attitudes toward others. Sometimes we view the weeds as flowers and sometimes we view the flowers as weeds. It is all a choice that we have.
Dandelions can be very abundant in a garden...or a lawn. They can be what some consider overwhelming. Many want to eliminate them and go to many extremes to do so.
Personally, I like dandelions! They do not pose a threat to my garden and I will just let them grow and add their sunny faces to shine there, blending in with my flowers. I am one of those rare people who would not consider dandelions a weed...or a nuisance...I welcome them in my garden of flowers.
I wonder how many of us would choose to be a dandelion in God's garden? I wonder who among us are as dandelions in His garden? Are we ever misunderstood, ridiculed, tossed aside and looked upon as outcasts? Are we lifting our sunny faces toward The Son in God's garden?